Virginia Association of Scholars Readings, Week of Dec. 26

3 Princeton DEI staff members resign, alleging lack of support – The Daily Princetonian

It’s Time To Tell The Truth About Colonialism In Africa – The Federalist

I helped found Stonewall. But today I plead with every business and public body signed up to its Diversity Champions scheme to reconsider, writes SIMON FANSHAWE – The Daily Mail

Visit the National Progress Alliance established by Peter Boghossian

An Inflection Point In The Fight Against The Racialization Of Education – The Parents United Conference

How Young People Became Hollowed Out – The Parents United Conference

Texas lawmaker proposes ban on DEI programs at public universities – The College Fix

Kendi’s Fallacy and Its Consequences – The American Mind

Always a lot to read at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal website

Are Universities Doomed? – The Daily Signal

Top 5 campus protest turned violent this year – Campus Reform, A Project of the Leadership Institute

University of New Hampshire accused of ‘open hostility’ toward religious freedom club – The College Fix

Judge rules lawsuit against Yale filed by concerned alumni may proceed – The College Fix

STARRS: Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services

Ninth Circuit Judge Urges Supreme Court “Not to Give Any First Amendment Protection for Racist Hate Speech” – The Reason

MIT faculty adopt free expression statement that protects ‘offensive’ speech – The College Fix


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