
by James A. Bacon

In two recent stories about administrative bloat and faculty bloat at the University of Virginia, I published inaccurate information. I stated that annualized full-time-equivalent student enrollment between fiscal 2012 and fiscal 2022 increased 1.1%. The correct figure was 8.8%. The result of the error was to exaggerate the degree to which the increase in salaried staff and teaching faculty outpaced the increase in student enrollment.

However, the larger point of the articles stands: The increase in staff and faculty exceeded that of enrollment by a wide margin. The headcount of salaried staff increased 25.4% over the same period and the headcount of tenure-track faculty, instructors, and lecturers increased 25.7%.

I regret the error and moved to correct it as soon as it came to my attention.

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Lorna gladstone
Lorna gladstone
1 year ago

Anhonest! Kudos! Wish mainstream media would emulate. Bloat is bloat.