Morgan Bettinger Lawsuit Settled

Morgan Bettinger, the former University of Virginia student who claimed in a federal civil rights lawsuit that she was ostracized, bullied, and abused at UVA based on false charges and faulty legal grounds, has resolved her lawsuit with the university and its administrators.

Brown & Gavalier, the Charlottesville law firm that represented her, issued the following statement in response to our inquiry: “We are pleased to report that Morgan Bettinger’s lawsuit has been resolved. Neither she nor our law firm have any further comment at this time.” The firm declined to make Ms. Bettinger available for comment and declined to disclose the terms of the settlement.

University of Virginia spokesman Brian Coy said: “This case was resolved by a mutual and amicable agreement and dismissed following a joint motion by both parties.”

The Bettinger saga drew national attention as an extreme example of “cancel culture” on campus. To learn more about what was done to Bettinger, the extent and severity of the harm she claimed to have suffered as a result, and her allegations regarding the UVA Administration’s role in the events and responsibility for the alleged deprivations of her federally protected civil rights, read the lawsuit here.


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walter smith
walter smith
6 months ago

Justice delayed is justice denied.
She will never be made whole.
Just another body lying by the road to Woketopia.
The process IS the punishment. And even when the biased OECR could not find her guilty of trained activist Zyhana Bryant’s unfounded (and even if made still free speech!) allegations, the good little apparatchiks at Student Council found her guilty anyway and made her go through struggle sessions for … being falsely accused!

A real leader (ahem) would have acted to protect Ms. Bettinger. Particularly if the real leader (ahem) knew anything about free speech, due process and civil rights…

And BOV does not escape here either…part of the BOV’s charge is the students. DEI is a crime against natural law. Anybody involved in founding UVA have any opinion on natural law? Asking for a friend…

A TRAVESTY. I hope the BOV is fully apprised on this settlement. While settling confidentially is pretty standard in such cases, it should not be without SOME adult oversight.

James B Newman
James B Newman
6 months ago
It is my hope that Ms. Bettinger is content with the settlement and leads a long and happy life. It is pleasing that the University is spared the nasty publicity that it will now escape now that Ms. Bettinger has let the University off the "hook". It is also my hope that President Ryan will realize and accept the slimy way he treated her and will accept that his actions brought and continue to bring harm to so many.
6 months ago

As Jonathan Haidt in his excellent talk a week ago reminded, not to be forgotten is the case of the medical student who asked a simple question as to microaggressions, which resulted in his expulsion. UVA found a way to have a known long time UVA-friendly judge preside over and squash the subsequent lawsuit rightfully brought by that student. The woke cult of the Ryan administration was in no way going to allow its DEI doctrine to be questioned. Sick.

Both that case and that of Bettinger are two of the blackest marks on the Ryan legacy at our University.

Martin Anthony Senell
Martin Anthony Senell
6 months ago

I have read the entire lawsuit. What the University did is abhorrent and sickening. I am glad the suit is settled for Morgan’s sake. I also can understand both parties not wanting the judgment published. However, this does nothing to prevent the same thing from happening again. Perhaps making the actual lawsuit document public would help prevent this travesty from happening again, but not likely.
We need a new president.

Dennis Hughes
Dennis Hughes
6 months ago

Whatever Ms. Bettinger received was too little for the emotional pain and suffering she endured while at the UVA.