Jefferson Council Joins Amicus Brief In Virginia Tech Free Speech Case

Washington, D.C. (September 19, 2023) – The Alumni Free Speech Alliance (AFSA) and alumni groups from nine colleges and universities, including the Jefferson Council, submitted a brief amicus curiae to the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday [ ] urging the court to hear a case brought by Speech First over the issue of bias reporting practices and procedures at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Charles Davis, the President of AFSA explained that “the use of bias reporting systems has become pervasive across American college and university campuses and these systems create a climate of fear and intimidation that causes many students to self-censor and discourages constitutionally protected speech. These bias reporting systems have no place at a university whose defining purpose as a place of learning and human fulfillment can only be achieved through a steadfast commitment to free speech.”

AFSA is an alliance of alumni groups from 22 colleges and universities with more than 50,000 alumni, faculty and student supporters. AFSA and its related groups seek to support free speech, academic freedom and viewpoint diversity at American colleges and universities.
The alumni groups joining AFSA in submitting the brief amicus curiae are:
University of California Free Speech Alliance:

Cornell Free Speech Alliance
Davidsonians for Freedom of Thought and Discourse
The Generals Redoubt (Washington & Lee University) Harvard
Alumni for Free Speech
The Jefferson Council of the University of Virginia
MIT Free Speech Alliance
Princetonians for Free Speech
UNC Free Speech Alliance

Questions to AFSA may be directed to Charles Davis at (301) 531-5174 or
[email protected].

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James B Newman
James B Newman
10 months ago

Really delighted that the Jefferson Council is jumping into the trenches and doing even more substantial work in supporting Free Speech.

George Richard Connolly
George Richard Connolly
10 months ago

Action! Awesome and kudos to AFSA and Jefferson Council! Where there is purpose, strategy and action in pursuit of the truth there is hope.