Sabato’s Crystal Ball — 25th Anniversary Edition

The Center for Politics at the University of Virginia is holding a gala April 5th and 6th to celebrate Larry Sabato’s 50th year with UVA. The Jefferson Council is pleased to be a sponsor. A limited number of free tickets is available to the public to attend Sabato’s Crystal Ball 25th Anniversary Edition, ‘The Road Ahead,” from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. April 6th. To inquire about tickets contact Glenn Crossman at [email protected]. See you there!

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4 months ago

Was the Jefferson Council responsible for the inflammatory billboard truck on grounds today?

walter smith
walter smith
4 months ago
Reply to  Question

Maybe Bill Ackman has a connection to UVA?
Meanwhile, if one is so brave as to post anonymously and to insinuate “inflammatory” speech (the truck with signage is speech), then man up and quit hiding behind anonymity.
And in today’s world, someone could stage something like this falsely, very easily. Remember the fake white supremacists for the Youngkin bus in Cville? Agitprop is a real thing. Take the time to get the facts right before running off with accusations.

3 months ago
Reply to  Question

Easy to spot and obviously a false flag, psyop, stitch up, frame up, set up-you may choose your own term, but all refer to a leftist tactic that is becoming everyday and run of the mill in today’s America. And especially in leftist college towns such as the People’s Republic of C’ville, as Larry Sabato aptly has described Charlottesville for years now.

Once again, just leftists(especially Marxists), up to their usual childish games. It gets old and discerning people have become wise to it and fed up with it. Be on the lookout as I am sure more to come in the next few days. Kids, even some in University positions masquerading as adults. Shameful.

3 months ago
Reply to  Clarity77

Clarity: your lack of clarity is astounding!

Bill coogan
Bill coogan
4 months ago

Not interested