Second Annual Meeting — Full Speaker Lineup

For your convenience, here’s the complete line-up of speakers at the Second Annual Meeting of the Jefferson Council in order of appearance, with links to videos of their presentations.

Allan Stam, professor at the Batten School of Leadership: “What’s at Stake: a National Perspective.”

Bert Ellis: co-founder of the Jefferson Council; president emeritus; and member of the University of Virginia Board of Visitors: Welcome and opening remarks

Connor Murnane, director of engagement and mobilization for the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE): “Culture or Codes: Promoting Free Expression on Campus

Student testimonials
Ann McLean, chair of the Jefferson Council’s Student Liaison Committee;
Lauren Horan, CR vice president of campaign;
Skylar Jackman; Young Americans for Freedom;
Ian Schwartz, College Republicans secretary;
Paul Deaton, Burke Society;
Nickolaus Cabrera, Young Americans for Freedom;
Vidar Hageman, candidate for student council president.

Jim Bacon, executive director of The Jefferson Council: “How TJC is building a culture of pluralism at UVa

Bert Ellis, co-founder and president emeritus of the Jefferson Council, and University of Virginia Board of Visitors member: Board of Visitors update.

Tom Neale, president of the Jefferson Council: “TJC Accomplishments, and Looking Ahead

Chuck Davis, president of the Alumni Free Speech Alliance: “Universities United to Support Free Speech, Academic Freedom, and Viewpoint Diversity

Liz Stiff, chief communications officer for the Common Sense Society: About the Common Sense Society

Keynote speech: Glenn Loury, professor of economics at Brown University: “Addressing Black Inequality, Embracing Black Patriotism

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