Jefferson Council Adds Higher-Ed News Feed

We at the Jefferson Council do our best to keep you informed about University of Virginia events bearing upon our four pillars: upholding Thomas Jefferson’s legacy, preserving the dignity of the academical village, protecting the honor code, and promoting free speech and intellectual diversity. Through our friends at the Virginia Association of Scholars (VAS), we come across many articles bearing on those and related topics from around the country.

Given your interest in the University of Virginia, we thought you might be interested in staying informed about similar issues elsewhere in Virginia and nationally. On the other hand, we do not want to inundate your in-box with unwanted email.

As a trial, we will post VAS news feeds on The Jefferson Council blog. Please let us know through the comments section if this material is welcome or a distraction.


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John Buckley
John Buckley
2 years ago

Thanks, Jim, for all your good work here.

2 years ago

I think this is very valuable. The issues at UVA are a subset of much broader challenges across US colleges. It is good to have this perspective.

Practicing Lawyer
Practicing Lawyer
2 years ago

It is welcome. Thank you, Jim.

walter smith
walter smith
2 years ago

See….it’s not just UVA.
To coin a phrase from the Know-Nothings, it is “systemic.”
Here is an article where Nature editorialized to put politics above science.
The current “beliefs” in higher ed, but starting down in K-12, are unfalsifiable – a religion without God, a cult.
TJC is because we are alums who want UVA to get back to “following truth” and not because we hate “people of color” and women and LGBTQ. We hate lies and we hate hypocrisy and ignorance and moral relativism.
Every single educational institution needs very strict oversight. The “Visitors” are failing in their oversight. Jim Ryan won’t call off his little Marxists (the students) and big Marxists (the faculty) because he agrees with them.
He only offers at best a tepid defense of Jefferson because he must keep the alumni money flowing in.
Have you seen Jim Ryan’s “bold” statement on UVA swimmer Emma Weyant finishing second to “Lia” Thomas? Yeah, neither have I…
Ryan at an alumni event in Dallas said it was a “difficult issue.” Wow! Such clarity of thought! Such leadership! No wonder he was a Supreme Court clerk!
UVA has over 100 highly qualified people in its Biology department – about 50 are faculty. And NO ONE, NOT ONE SINGLE SO-CALLED EXPERT, has stepped up to assert the simple biological reality that there are TWO sexes. And we are expected to pay an ever increasing amount for this level of brilliance?
UVA undermines its value every day it won’t follow truth – the entire DEI heirarchy is a poisonous, dishonest virus aimed at increasing division and consolidating power. It does not improve race relations. It is constantly inflaming them – pulling off the scab in the name of healing. This is happening everywhere, not just UVA.

2 years ago
Reply to  walter smith

Well said. Every single word!

2 years ago

Yes, please keep me informed.