UVA Responds to TJC Questions About Plagiarism Charges

Brian Coy, chief spokesperson for the University of Virginia, responded to TJC’s questions posed in the previous post about plagiarism charges leveled in The Daily Wire against Natalie J. Perry, chief DEI officer at UCLA, in her 2014 PhD dissertation for the University of Virginia. Said he:

“The University takes concerns about research integrity seriously. We are aware of these allegations from 2014 and we are initiating an investigation according to our process. While federal student privacy laws prohibit us from commenting on any specific case, the University does have the ability to revoke degrees in cases where plagiarism or other qualifying forms of misconduct are identified and proven. “

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Jack Cann
Jack Cann
5 months ago

One wonders what her advisers were thinking in approving such a dissertation. Certainly they should have picked up on such a flawed piece of work. Or did they realize it was never going to be published and could be buried in an archive and the preferred candidate could be granted a doctorate. What a disgrace.

5 months ago

The evidence is overwhelming as to Perry’s guilt as to plagiarism, so will UVA revoke her Ph.D.? Not holding my breath!

Where there is smoke there is fire, and UVA knows this would lead to a crapload of other fraudulently awarded degrees for which UVA would then bear and assume guilt. And guilt is an entity leftists never willingly face and will employ all manner of behavior in order to avoid.

The chickens are coming home to roost on DEI, which BTW in Perry’s case(2014) did not occur under Ryan. This is a far reaching scandal in the making which again UVA will not fully investigate but rather spend more time finding ways to deflect, obfuscate and hide.

The truth is with current digital capabilities and plagiarism software a thorough investigation and review of all degrees requiring dissertations can be accomplished in a very short time. That software of course has been readily available for at least the past decade which UVA certainly had access to and for which this scandal could have been prevented.

But alas to leftist Marxists truth is no longer important when it precludes the promotion and implementation of the lies of Marxist DEI. And that promotion entails the awarding of fraudulent degrees based on skin color and not merit! Pathetic and disgusting, especially at Mr. Jefferson’s University!

5 months ago

Universities are fast tracking unqualified students because they happen to be black. And they aren’t realistic about the abilities or the qualifications or the learning process of these students. It’s just about getting the numbers of black academics up as quickly as possible. Quality and merit have been thrown aside.