A New Form of Antisemitism Surfaces in Charlottesville

Anna Kriebel, a third-year student in the University of Virginia’s Political Philosophy, Policy and Law program, has had a column published in National Review. She describes the dehumanizing, anti-Israeli rhetoric of the pro-Palestinian students at UVa, and contrasts it with the timid defense of Israel by Jewish students unwilling to sign their names to a column in the Cavalier Daily newspaper. We can replicate the first few paragraphs here, but you’ll have to visit the National Review website to read the whole thing. — JAB

The dehumanizing rhetoric of a student group at the University of Virginia flies in the face of the school’s Jeffersonian principles.

Six years after Unite the Right, an insidious new brand of antisemitism has taken hold in Charlottesville, home to the University of Virginia. Shortly after Hamas launched its brutal attack on Israel, the group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at UVA released a statement declaring its unequivocal support for resistance “by whatever means they deem necessary.” In essence, it justified the slaughter of Israeli civilians.

I sympathize with those experiencing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and don’t pretend to condone every military decision made by Israel, the United States, or any other country, for that matter. However, I am deeply unsettled by the antisemitic implications of many of my peers’ statements, as well as their attempts to stifle free discourse. Read the whole thing.

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11 months ago

What a terrific article by a courageous young lady with unquestioned integrity. I wish more students had spoken up.

walter smith
walter smith
11 months ago

“Unequivocal” says Jim Ryan…
Enforce the mask statute 18.2-422
Also, act like a leader.
The UVA gay group had “official” protest permission (which was violated by leaving the amphitheater and blocking Minor Hall in a threatening manner). All that fluff about being a “generous” listener…yeah, not so much.
President Ryan could do something resembling leadership like saying, “Hey, you know you have the right to protest, but they also have the right to be heard. Instead of protesting, why don’t you actually go listen to the talk in a respectful manner?”
He won’t. Can’t cross the little children to the left or you will be cancelled by the oh so tolerant.
The atmosphere on Grounds is unacceptable. Quit the lip service and get back to education.

Robert Pyles MD
Robert Pyles MD
11 months ago

“I can remember when the CD masthead said “For we here are not afraid to follow the truth wheresoever it shall lead us”. Guess that UVA is gone”
That masthead is a direct quote from Jefferson, when he founded U. Va. Robert L Pyles MD

Peter LeQuire College '65
Peter LeQuire College '65
11 months ago

It angers me and breaks my heart to see – at UVa – the “protests” in support of the evils taking place in Israel. A Jewish friend of my time at the U spoke of anti-semitism evident at the University when we were there. It was and remains grievous to me that the rot that was somewhat subtle then (at least to me, a non-Jew) has, in the intervening years,festered to the eruption of hatred we’ve seen at what was at one time called “Mr, Jefferson’s University”..

angela box
angela box
11 months ago

I was sent to the National Review when I clicked “read more” so I could not finish the article. Why?

Legacy Grad 69'
Legacy Grad 69'
10 months ago

All the faux concern over ” micro-agggressions,” the need for “safe spaces,” etc.,etc. what the hell do the promoters of such tripe call virulent anti-semitism.That is not free speech any more than praising lynchings. Some suspensions to allow time to consider behavior might be in order.

Martin Anthony Senell
Martin Anthony Senell
10 months ago

What a brilliant young woman that wrote this piece. It is heartening to see that there are still students at The University who can think for themselves and still have a moral compass that is far better than many of our leaders (The University included). Keep it up, young lady. One day you will be one of our leaders.