In Defense of an Inviolable Honor Code

Dishonesty is the root cause of all human evil. The Honor System at the University Of Virginia attempts to get to the very heart of our problem. Honor is your adherence to the truth.

Dishonesty starts with your being dishonest with yourself about yourself, and your being dishonest with yourself about Reality. Living in a world you created: You choose fantasy, and, consequently, dishonesty.

Jefferson honored the phrase, “The Truth Will Make You Free.” Jefferson could see that if all people were honest, there would be no cheating, no crime, no war. Personal honor — honesty — is the foundation of civilization.

— Piers Woodriff College, 1971

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2 years ago

Piers, you nailed it. Bravo! Mr. Jefferson would be proud.

Brian Adams
Brian Adams
2 years ago

Congratulations Piers! I read the article about W&L and honor through history and in different cultures. Honor is not a “know it when I see it” phenomenon. One practicing it is recognized for it. That W&L article labored the language, chasing a point. That is the point you made, succinctly and crystal clear.

Brian Adams
Brian Adams
2 years ago
Reply to  Brian Adams

Edit: Honor is not a “know it when I see it” phenomenon, moreover, one practicing can be recognized for it. It is an internal discipline.