Jones Trial Scheduled for Early 2025

We’re a bit late, but this development in UVA’s triple-homicide tragedy has just come to our attention….

The trial of Christopher Darnell Jones, Jr., charged with killing three and wounding two University of Virginia students in a 2022 shooting, has been scheduled for trial — in January 2025. Albermarle County Circuit Court has set aside more than a month for the proceeding, WSET-TV reported earlier this month.

University officials have refused to release the Attorney General-ordered report into the university’s failure to avert the tragedy until after the trial. Thus, it could be two-and-a-half years after the slayings until members of the UVA community will be allowed to see the report and assess whether the university has taken meaningful corrective action to prevent another incident.

University officials say they don’t want the report to prejudice the result of the trial.

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan
5 months ago

Typical bureacracy – Deny, Obfuscate, Cover- up.

5 months ago

In the movie, Animal House, when the Delta house is “on trial” by the Judiciary Committee of Faber College, the audience of Delta brothers make a few comments from the gallery on the proceedings. I think that scene is an appropriate response to the circumstances surrounding the release, or lack thereof, by the University Administration of the AG’s report.

5 months ago
Reply to  Taruva76

“Double Secret Probation” We don’t want to confuse the jury pool with information.