More Media Pick up the Morgan Bettinger Story

The tragic tale of Morgan Bettinger’s abuse at the hands of a Twitter Outrage Mob and the subsequent failure of the University of Virginia’s judicial processes continue to garner national attention.

Last week The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal covered the story in “A ‘Canceled’ Student Strikes Back.

Referring to Bettinger’s lawsuit against the University of Virginia, author Graham Hillier writes: “To read that complaint now is to come face-to-face with the human cost of the guilty-until-proven-innocent ‘justice’ now common on American campuses.”

National Review quotes the Martin Center article in a brief post headlined, “UVA Student Maligned by Her University Seeks Justice.”

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11 months ago

IMO the case of Kieran Bhattacharyaj, the UVA medical student who asked a simple challenging question in an orientation class on microaggressions, and ended up being summarily dismissed and banned from the Grounds by the faculty and administration is far more heinous. A travesty unlike I have ever heard of at any American campus and a permanent indelible black mark on UVA. Most egregious in the context of what Jefferson clearly stated as to the vision for his University, which distilled to its essence, required the teaching and encouragement of the use of questions by students in the rigorous pursuit of truth.

Walter smith
Walter smith
11 months ago
Reply to  Clarity77

Sounds like we may need to file a “Professionalism Concern Card” about you!

11 months ago
Reply to  Walter smith

LOL Walter! Oh for sure I would get “carded.” First thing I would do would be to get the card framed, placed prominently over the mantle and then form a UVA Society of the Carded.
The travesty as to Bettinger though is that she was not even given the opportunity to “crimethink” and yet was falsely accused by way of words being put in her mouth that she in fact never uttered. Could Orwell ever even dream that could be possible? Check out the latest news item as to Bettinger: