UVa Should Grow Adults, Not Coddle Children

The Editorial Board of The Cavalier Daily has taken a dishonorable, unenlightened, and untenable position. The March 17th op-ed stating that students at The University are incapable of listening to a speaker and that speech threatens their very “lives” reveals a childish and churlish attitude that is in opposition to the values of The University, the values of civil society, and the values of America. Jonathon Haidt correctly noted that this generation has minds that have been “coddled” so much that they lack understanding of basic principles and are guided by many “untruths.” This article has the hallmarks of all of those untruths, starting with the headline.

It is most disturbing that the CD Editorial Board makes statements about violence and slavery at a moment in history where students should understand the true meaning of violence, i.e.: Ukraine, Iran, Afghanistan, and the present- day crisis of slavery, existing in today’s world throughout Asia and Africa. However, the Editorial Board writers illustrate a lack of knowledge and are blind to history and current day events. Even worse, the Editorial Board stated lies about VP Pence and used multiple logical fallacies to construct their editorial — the sign of a weak argument.

It is a sad day when we can’t look at the next generation and admire them for courage, risk taking, and civil discourse. Instead we recognize traits more like Mao’s Red Guard, unable to critically think or have civil discourse, intent on reflexive destruction of anyone they disagree with (or have been instructed to disagree with.)

The Editorial Board says “the answer is simple.” And indeed, their answer is simplistic, simple-minded, and childlike. Universities should be growing adults not coddling children.

Sheree Gravely BA ‘86

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2 years ago

When I attended The University in the 1960s I was pleased to find that they insisted on personal responsibility. Students were responsible for their own success, UVA provided the opportunity, and parents were not involved.
Today The University has flipped this model on it’s head. Students are fragile “snowflakes” offended by everything and The University is controlled by Progressives.
For The University to fall for the systemic racism lie, to focus on “social justice”, and tolerate trashing America’s history instead of providing a classical education and letting students either take it or leave it, is cause for me to not support The University. The University needs to have courage and return to an “equal opportunity” environment instead of today’s “equal outcome” approach. Students should come to The University to work hard, engage in discussion of alternative viewpoints, develop critical thinking, and be responsible for their own success. If they don’t like this approach they should go elsewhere. When they seek “safe spaces” they should go home.

2 years ago
Reply to  GRob

Equal opportunity, not guaranteed outcome, is the founding core thesis of our American society. Mr. Jefferson’s University needs to mirror this essential philosophy again. Thank you for this great letter.

1 year ago
Reply to  GRob

Agree 100%!

John Buckley
John Buckley
2 years ago


2 years ago

On the issue of slavery, one has but to search for Thomas Sowell’s “The Read History of Slavery”. It is in one of his books called Black Rednecks White Liberals, but the audio can be found on line. Sowell is a brilliant black man whose grandfather was born into slavery. He has written over 40 books. The history of slavery makes it plain that the institution through time, has been perpetrated by and on all races.

2 years ago

Here is a clip of some important information from Thomas Sowell’s ‘The Real History of Slavery’ found in his book Black Rednecks White Liberals.

Last edited 2 years ago by Angela
1 year ago

Excellent letter by Sheree Gravely!